Frequently Asked Questions


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Resource Center FAQ

What is a Family Resource Center?

A family resource center is a place where people can find information and programs to strengthen both the individual and the family unit.  We also provide information regarding community resources to the residents of the Greater Green Bay area.  The Resource Center is a safe place for individuals and families to learn and grow individually and together.


What are the programs offered at the Resource Center?

The Resource Center offers programs and services that meet the needs of the entire family. We offer programming beginning prenatally and continuing through the teenage years.  Some of the programs that we offer at the Resource Center are parenting classes, home visits,  and reading tutoring. In addition, we are very fortunate to have strong community partnerships and are able to offer programming through the UW-Extension such as monthly cooking classes. The Howe Community Resource Center also houses the Oral Health Partnership dental office, which services children whose families are uninsured or underinsured. We provide supportive programs to the Howe School, such as tutoring and dinner nights. Most of programs and services are open to young families in the Greater Green Bay Area, but we welcome you regardless of where you live.


What geographical are do you serve?

We serve all of Brown County.


Is there a cost for programming at the Resource Center?

Most programs are offered free of charge.  We are fortunate to have wonderful partnerships within the Green Bay community that financially help support programming at the Resource Center.


Where are we located?

The Howe Community Resource Center is centrally located in the heart of Green Bay.   We are easily accessed by the Green Bay metro system.  Our address is:  526 South Monroe Avenue underneath the Mason St bridge and A&W.


Howe is the Resource Center funded?

The Center is funded through various local grants, fundraising activities and donations.  The majority of funding is for our Parenting Home Visiting program.


Howe can I help the Howe Community Resource Center?

Because of the highly confidential nature of the work we do, our volunteering opportunities are limited.  There are special events when volunteers are needed-these include dinner nights, fundraising, Frost Fest and more.  We graciously accept donations to help families. We are always looking for new ways to meet our financial need and growth.


What is HCRC’s relationship with  the Green Bay School District?

We are our own private nonprofit and have a board of directors to oversee our programs.  We do not get funding from the school district. Our parenting program and community events are open anyone in Brown County. We provide programming for and support to Howe School and their students and families. The school district does own the building we occupy and provide supportive services such as phone and computers.


Parent Educator FAQ

What is a Parent Educator?

A parent Educator is a professional in the human services field with experience in working with young at-risk families with children from prenatal to five years old to ensure children are safe, healthy, and ready for school. They deliver these services primarily through regular home visits- taking the Parent Educators out of the office more than in the office.


Who are the HCRC Parent Educators?

HCRC has four certified Parent Educators.


What do Parent Educators do on a home visit?

We use an evidence based curriculum called Parents As Teachers, recognizing parents are the first and most influential teacher in their children’s life.  Each home visit focuses on three main areas: parent-child interaction, developmental milestones, and family well-being.  Ages and Stages Questionnaires are used to assess development of the child’s gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, and social emotional skills. These are completed on regular intervals.


Where do home visiting clients come from?

HCRC is one of three gateway agencies for The Community Partnership for Children whose goal is to see that all children are safe, healthy, and ready for school.  Every birth that occurs in Brown County hospitals is screened for risk factors.  Families with two or more risk factors are referred to the program.  Families are also referred from other sources such as Child Protective Services, Salvation Army, and self referrals.


Are home visits the only services you offer to young at-risk families?

We offer two different parenting classes- one for parents or caregivers of children from prenatal to five years of age, the other for parents or caregivers of elementary aged children.  Both classes are offered in English and Spanish.  We also have a playgroup the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month.


How do I refer someone for services?

Contact HCRC and we will be sure to make a connection. Because Parent Educators are often out of the office, please call 920-448-7340.